My Study Area

           The area I am picking for my study is Lake Mendocino, located in Ukiah, Ca. I have been working at this lake for a year as a Park Ranger for the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. I have learned a lot about the area and its history, and I am eager to learn more. Since coming here, I have partnered with the California Native Plant Society in regards to the vegetation. One of my current projects is restoring a native garden. I have also done work with the Fish and Wildlife team for the SteelHead Trout. I have also recently completed a training for the top ten most invasive species that threaten the lake.
            What I hope to gain from this study is better understanding of the environmental history of the area. There are a lot of rumors that circulate throughout. For example, I have heard from the California Native Plant Society that all of the willow trees were removed to prevent the endangered Willow’s Flycatcher from moving in. Supposedly, that shut down an entire Corps Lake. I also hope to sharpen my identification skills, especially with the vegetation around the lake. I’m pretty familiar with what’s invasive, but not with native trees.
Google Map of Lake Mendocino. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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